Give Where You Live: Colorado Gives Day is December 6, 2022!
Each December, Coloradans come together to support the nonprofits that are making a difference in our community by donating through Community First Foundation’s Colorado Gives Day. It is the largest fundraising event in the state, raising over $362 million since it first began in 2010, and helping to support thousands of Colorado nonprofits fulfill their mission to improve the lives of disadvantaged populations, animals, the environment, and so much more.
This year, the Firm will again be sponsoring the Colorado Gives Day Incentive Fund, a $1.4 million pool that will help boost each donation made through Colorado Gives Day, increasing the impact and value of every dollar donated.
The Firm will also be participating in the first year of the Colorado Gives Day Corporate Giving Challenge. If Ireland Stapleton is among the first 100 companies to raise $1,000 through the Ireland Stapleton Corporate Giving Page, donations will be increased by a $1,000 match from Delta Dental.
With nearly 5,000 causes to choose from, participating in Colorado Gives Day is one of the most efficient and impactful ways to make your year-end donations.
Donations can be made November 1 – December 6.
To learn more and donate, visit coloradogives.org.