Our People
rebeccaalmonImage of Rebecca L. Almon
Rebecca L. Almon
Of Counsel
timothyatkinsonImage of Timothy G. Atkinson
Timothy G. Atkinson
Of Counsel
sarahbenedictImage of Sarah W. Benedict
Sarah W. Benedict
jamesbenjaminImage of James G. Benjamin
James G. Benjamin
Of Counsel
ericbensonImage of Eric R. Benson
Eric R. Benson
ryanboeppleImage of Ryan A. Boepple
Ryan A. Boepple
charlesborgmanImage of Charles L. Borgman
Charles L. Borgman
Of Counsel
jonathan brummetImage of Jonathan D Brummet
Jonathan D Brummet
wiltoncogswell, ivImage of Wilton W. Cogswell, IV
Wilton W. Cogswell, IV
Of Counsel
tonydecharioImage of Tony G Dechario
Tony G Dechario
tomdowneyImage of Tom Downey
Tom Downey
kelleydukeImage of Kelley B. Duke
Kelley B. Duke
michellefergusonImage of Michelle B. Ferguson
Michelle B. Ferguson
timothyflynnImage of Timothy J Flynn
Timothy J Flynn
k.c.grovesImage of K.C. Groves
K.C. Groves
markhaynesImage of Mark E. Haynes
Mark E. Haynes
Of Counsel
billhobbsImage of Bill Hobbs
Bill Hobbs
Of Counsel
brianhuebschImage of Brian Huebsch
Brian Huebsch
johnjenningsImage of John "Sean" Jennings
John "Sean" Jennings
russellkempImage of Russell W. Kemp
Russell W. Kemp
jameskilleanImage of James J. Killean
James J. Killean
marklacisImage of Mark E. Lacis
Mark E. Lacis
Of Counsel
benjaminlarsonImage of Benjamin J. Larson
Benjamin J. Larson
hannahleImage of Hannah Q. Le
Hannah Q. Le
jenniferlymanImage of Jennifer M Lyman
Jennifer M Lyman
Senior Attorney
davidmanushImage of David S. Manush
David S. Manush
mikemaroniImage of Mike Maroni
Mike Maroni
jonnealerImage of Jon E Nealer
Jon E Nealer
tracyoldemeyerImage of Tracy A. Oldemeyer
Tracy A. Oldemeyer
emilypowellImage of Emily J. Powell
Emily J. Powell
lidianariosImage of Lidiana Rios
Lidiana Rios
scottrodgersImage of Scott T. Rodgers
Scott T. Rodgers
Of Counsel
dinorossImage of Dino A. Ross
Dino A. Ross
paulrumlerImage of Paul E Rumler
Paul E Rumler
Of Counsel
jamessilvestroImage of James R. Silvestro
James R. Silvestro
katherinestruthersImage of Katherine R. Struthers
Katherine R. Struthers
williamtanisImage of William E. "Bill" Tanis
William E. "Bill" Tanis
ericatarpeyImage of Erica L. Tarpey
Erica L. Tarpey
naomietoussaintImage of Naomie P Toussaint
Naomie P Toussaint
juliewalkerImage of Julie M. Walker
Julie M. Walker
kobiwebbImage of Kobi A. Webb
Kobi A. Webb
thomaswolfImage of Thomas J. Wolf
Thomas J. Wolf
elizabethwoodwardImage of Elizabeth P. Woodward
Elizabeth P. Woodward
barbarabiondolilloView Bio
Barbara Biondolillo
TEL. 303-628-3683
FAX. 303-623-2062
bbiondolillo@irelandstapleton.comDenverBarbara Biondolillo is a litigation paralegal, assisting with all stages of discovery and trial preparation. Barbara has extensive experience in preservation, collection, and production of electronic data, and preparing for and attending trial. Barbara was a commission member for the Colorado Commission on Judicial Performance for the 2nd Judicial District. She earned her Associate degree in paralegal studies from Arapahoe Community College.
megan boyle
dawnbrazierView Bio
Dawn Brazier
TEL. 303-628-3693
FAX. 303-623-2062
dbrazier@irelandstapleton.comDenverDawn A. Brazier received her Paralegal Certificate from the Denver Paralegal Institute and earned a B.S. in Paralegal Studies from the University of Maryland University College. She has over 30 years’ experience as a paralegal and is well-versed in complex civil, commercial, and appellate litigation. Dawn joined Ireland Stapleton in 2014 as part of the Firm’s litigation team after having worked as an insurance defense litigation paralegal for a personal injury and construction defect firm for 15 years.
renabrumleyView Bio
Rena Brumley
Legal Assistant
TEL. 303-628-3652
rbrumley@irelandstapleton.comDenverLawyers Supported
Timothy J. Flynn -
hunter dailyView Bio
Hunter Daily
Legal Assistant
TEL. 9708221312
hdaily@irelandstapleton.comFort CollinsLawyers Supported
Tracy A. Oldemeyer -
lauriedryView Bio
Laurie Dry
TEL. 970-822-1304
FAX. 970-243-4358
ldry@irelandstapleton.comGrand JunctionLaurie Dry is a paralegal in the Firm’s Grand Junction office and has over 25 years of experience working in the legal industry. She assists with our attorneys on matters involving trademark, probate, real estate, and business law. Prior to joining Ireland Stapleton, Laurie worked on matters involving bankruptcy, estate planning, guardianships/conservatorships, and family law. She earned her paralegal certificate from Thomas Nelson Community College and is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
taryneastwoodView Bio
Taryn Eastwood
TEL. 970-822-1303
FAX. 970-243-4358
teastwood@irelandstapleton.comGrand JunctionTaryn Eastwood is a paralegal in the Firm’s Grand Junction office and has over 20 years of experience working in the legal industry. She assists our attorneys on matters involving real estate. Prior to joining Ireland Stapleton, Taryn worked on matters involving workers’ compensation, Social Security, and criminal matters. She has a B.A. in psychology from Angelo State University.
barbgregoryView Bio
Barb Gregory
Legal Assistant
TEL. 303-628-3678
FAX. 303-623-2062
bgregory@irelandstapleton.comDenverLawyers Supported
Tony G. Dechario, James G. Benjamin, Elizabeth P. Woodward, William E. “Bill” Tanis, James J. Killean, Rebecca L. Almon -
Sebastien Guerne
Accounting/Payroll Clerk
TEL. 303-628-3653
FAX. 303-623-2062
sguerne@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
Nathan Haakinson
Records/General Services Manager
TEL. 303-628-3657
FAX. 303-623-2062
nhaakinson@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
maliaheydView Bio
Malia Heyd
Paralegal/Legal Assistant
TEL. 303-628-3643
FAX. 303-623-2062
mheyd@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
halanahiattView Bio
Halana Hiatt
Legal Assistant
TEL. 303-628-3672
FAX. 303-623-2700
hhiatt@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
Sarah Hoffman
Office Services Coordinator
TEL. 303-628-3684
FAX. 303-623-2062
shoffman@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
Marilyn Lozano
Accounting Manager
TEL. 303-628-3613
FAX. 303-623-2062
mlozano@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
robinmcreynoldsView Bio
Robin McReynolds
Legal Assistant
TEL. 303-628-3610
FAX. 303-623-2062
rmcreynolds@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
Sheri Mitchell
Office Specialist
TEL. 303-628-3647
FAX. 303-623-2700
smitchell@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
tanya mundyView Bio
Tanya Mundy
TEL. 303-628-3637
FAX. 303-623-2062
tmundy@irelandstapleton.comFrench, American Sign LanguageDenverTanya Mundy is a special districts paralegal assisting attorneys representing fire protection districts, fire authorities, ambulance districts and other Title 32 Special Districts with day-to-day board management issues; matters related to the Colorado Open Records Act, district mergers and boundary transfers, and government employment law. She focuses on election rules and procedures, and assists special districts with the hands-on management of their elections. She received her bachelor’s degree in linguistics at Denver Metropolitan State University, and is “ABD” in graduate studies in Native American religion and language at the University of Colorado.
amyo'brienView Bio
Amy O'Brien
Marketing Director
TEL. 303-628-3688
FAX. 303-623-2700
aobrien@irelandstapleton.comDenverAmy O’Brien joined Ireland Stapleton after being a local lobbyist and a valued member in the Denver Nuggets front office for a span of 20 years. Amy held her role as the Director of Team Operations and Player Development for the majority of her time with the team and managed all team operations and logistics and created all procedures and policies for the organization. As a lobbyist, she specialized in process and procedure development and management of various projects. She worked with clients with a focus on lobbying and community facing efforts. Amy brings a diverse business background to lead the marketing efforts as Ireland Stapleton nears our 100th Anniversary in 2026.
Amy lives in Denver with her family. She holds a BS from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College and grew up in a small town on the Eastside of Cleveland, Ohio -
Sheena Queen
Accounting Clerk
TEL. 303-628-3651
FAX. 303-623-2062
squeen@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
crystalschottView Bio
Crystal Schott
TEL. 303-628-3625
FAX. 303-623-2062
cschott@irelandstapleton.comDenverWith over two decades of dedicated service in the legal field, Crystal Schott brings a wealth of expertise as a seasoned paralegal specializing in local governments since 2005. Crystal is adept at local government election laws, legal research, drafting agreements, statutory compliance, meetings, continuing disclosure, and inclusions/exclusions.
Crystal is a certified paralegal and obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the Metropolitan State University of Denver with a double major in Business Management and Computer Information Systems, along with a Certification in Website Development.
Crystal is a native of Colorado and was raised in Golden; she currently resides in Arvada with her husband and dog. She enjoys everything our great state has to offer, including camping, hiking or taking her dog for walks.
jessicascullyView Bio
Jessica Scully
TEL. 303-628-3648
FAX. 303-623-2062
jscully@irelandstapleton.comDenverJessica Scully is a paralegal in Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe’s business law, estate planning, and real estate practice groups where she assists attorneys on a wide variety of probate and trust matters, as well as real estate and business law issues. She focuses on and has significant experience in estate administration and preparation of federal estate and gift tax returns. She joined Ireland Stapleton in 2005 after graduating from the University of Iowa where she obtained a B.A. in Communication Studies and Denver Career College where she earned her paralegal certification.
laurenseniorView Bio
Lauren Senior
Firm Administrator
TEL. 303-628-3626
FAX. 303-623-2062
lsenior@irelandstapleton.comDenverLauren is an experienced HR and benefits law firm administrator. She is a seasoned veteran in the legal industry with experience in bankruptcy, litigation, foreclosure, commercial and consumer loan documentation, collections and due diligence. Excellent analytical research and writing skills. High level of attention to detail and accuracy with a proven ability to review, manage and organize competing priorities. Comfortable working both independently and as an integral member of a team. Strong interpersonal and organizational skills. Excellent work ethic defined by time management, problem solving and ability to manage multiple priorities successfully. High degree of self-motivation, drive and tenacity. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite Products.
Adam Stenz
Senior IT Specialist
TEL. 303-628-3673
FAX. 303-623-2062
astenz@irelandstapleton.comDenver -
katherinewerckmanView Bio
Katherine Werckman
Paralegal/Legal Assistant
TEL. 303-628-3662
FAX. 303-623-2062