Ireland Stapleton is proud to announce that Becky Almon, chair of the firm’s Environmental, Energy and Natural Resources Group, has been selected as one of Law Week Colorado’s 2011 Top Women Lawyers. Becky is recognized as a role model for other women lawyers – returning to private practice after a 10‐year hiatus to raise her children and making partner in less than two years. She is also recognized as a go-to lawyer when other lawyers need help on environmental matters.
“We are proud of Becky and all that she has accomplished,” said K.C. Groves, Ireland Stapleton’s co-managing director. “She has remarkable expertise on complex environmental laws, is a dedicated mother, and an undeniable asset to the firm and our clients.”
Law Week selected nine women as a part of the 2011 class of Top Women Lawyers.
In addition to Almon, they are Jeannette Brook, Wendy Fisher, Caroline Fuller, Kit Levoy, Bobbee Musgrave, Regina Rodriguez, Michelle Rowland and Carolynne White.