Regulatory attorney Tom Downey spoke to members of the City Club of Denver today, Tuesday, February 25, 2020, giving City Club members an in-depth overview of the current state of legalized marijuana, hemp, and CBD in Colorado and the rest of the country, including recent changes in legalizing hemp cultivation. Downey discussed the ways in which these nascent industries are impacting businesses, their employees, and corporate philanthropy, given that marijuana remains federally illegal.
Tom Downey is a Director at Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe, PC. With his significant experience as both a government official and private attorney, Mr. Downey helps his clients navigate all aspects of regulatory law. The majority of his practice consists of advising and representing corporate clients in the administrative, transactional and disciplinary processes related to liquor licensing, legalized marijuana and licenses governed by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. He can be reached at tdowney@irelandstapleton.com or 303-628-3639.
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