Where Things Stand
Writing for Pharmacy Today, Ireland Stapleton regulatory law attorneys Tom Downey and Sean Jennings explain where things stand regarding legalized marijuana in the United States.
With the recent legalization of hemp/CBD and continuing changes among states, it is easy to be confused about exactly where things stand on the legality of marijuana. In short, we remain in an unnatural position with most states having legalized marijuana in some manner, federal law still criminalizing it entirely, and the legal tension playing out on a daily basis in the business and medical communities.
While American public opinion continues to trend in favor of legalization, a key area of confusion is the difference between medical and recreational marijuana.
Tom Downey
Despite the growing number of states now legalizing marijuana, federal law remains a major legal and practical hurdle. Because marijuana remains federally illegal, most commercial banks will not provide financial services to the marijuana industry, making it a mostly cash business. Moreover, medical and scientific research on marijuana’s health benefits and drawbacks is hampered by federal law and funding restrictions. For business and medical reasons alike, pharmacists should closely watch the evolving landscape of marijuana legalization.
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