Practice Areas
Special Districts
Ireland Stapleton has extensive experience in serving as both special and general counsel to fire protection districts, ambulance districts, park and recreation districts, water and sanitation districts, and metropolitan districts. We also have created and represented operational “authorities” for special districts and municipalities.
As general or special counsel, we work closely with our special districts clients on a day-to-day basis on a wide range of legal issues, including:
- All Aspects of Public Employment Law
- All Aspects of Volunteerism
- Administrative Proceedings (EEOC, Unemployment Compensation, Zoning Boards, Tax Boards, etc.)
- Civil Service Hearings
- All Aspects of Special Districts Litigation
- Condemnation Proceedings
- Collective Bargaining
- TABOR & Gallagher Amendment Issues
- Regular & Special Elections
- Inclusions, Exclusions & Other Boundary Realignment Issues
- Pension Plans for Employees & Volunteers
- Annual Budgets & Financing Mechanisms (Lease-Purchase Agreements, Bonds, Certifications of Participation)
- Ongoing Statutory Compliance
- Contracts & Issues Related to Construction Projects
- Intergovernmental Agreements & Vendor Contracts of All Types
- Purchase & Sale of Real Property, Apparatus, Vehicles & Equipment of All Types
- Leases & Rental Agreements
- Board of Directors Governance Issues
- Public (Open) Records Act, Colorado Sunshine Law (Open Meetings)
- Special District Tax Issues
- Policy Drafting & Development
We are experienced in fire code enforcement actions, board meeting procedures, annual budgeting and auditing requirements, fees, charges and assessments, mutual aid and automatic aid agreements, the Colorado Government Immunity Act, and pension matters.