On February 19, 2015 Ireland Stapleton’s associate attorneys launched Developing Denver, a networking event for young professionals doing business in and around Denver. The event is designed to expand relationships, raise awareness and understanding of issues that our community faces and celebrate our city’s growth. The event, which focused on the resurgence of the real estate, business and community development in the RiNo neighborhood, was held in the bustling taproom of Mockery Brewery (thanks Zach and Rachel!), and Denver City Councilman Albus Brooks made a few remarks about the continued evolution neighborhood.
“Our goal with Developing Denver is to create a less network-y networking event that focuses on ideas and issues as much as people,” said litigation attorney James R. Silvestro. “Our intention is to provide a space for community and business leaders to educate, provoke thought, spur conversation and outline a vision for the future before an audience of young professionals from many different industries.”
For information on this or future Developing Denver events contact Jessica Jaramillo at jjaramillo@irelandstapleton.com.